Peripheral Neuropathy is a very common and frustrating condition

Most patients with Peripheral Neuropathy have been told it’s progressive and they must learn to “live with it”.

So we’re here to tell you: Acupuncture is quite simply the best tool for treating Peripheral Neuropathy.

Findings published in the peer-reviewed journal Neural Regeneration Research found that acupuncture promoted the repair of injured lower and upper limb motor nerves for 80% of study participants.

Acupuncture literally regenerates nerves to relieve neuropathic pain and numbness! At Achieve Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine, we see these positive results every day. Effective treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy is one of our most sought after specialties. That’s why we offer comprehensive treatment programs to help patients with Peripheral Neuropathy regain their quality of life.

Whether Idiopathic (of unknown cause), Diabetic, or Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN), our treatment programs offers hope.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves in the hands or feet. This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood and nutrient flow to the nerves which causes the nerves to start the degeneration process.

As the blood vessels that surround the nerves degenerate you’ll begin to experience tingling, burning, numbness, and a sensation best described as ‘walking on glass’.

As the nerves continue to die, further numbness will set in and so will debilitating balance problems.

While you might’ve been told by previous doctors that the only relief available is prescription drugs or to “learn to live with it”, you have options.

Why Use Our Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Program?

At Achieve Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine, we treat peripheral neuropathy by using a comprehensive treatment program combining the science of Acupuncture with other non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical medical solutions to eliminate neuropathic pain and numbness while increasing mobility.

Our painless treatment modalities stimulate blood vessels for regrowth, in turn providing the peripheral nerves with proper nutrients to heal and repair.

Whether Idiopathic (of unknown cause), Diabetic, or Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN), our Nerve Relief program offers hope.

Peripheral Neuropathy Conditions That We Treat

Peripheral Neuropathy has a number of causes, ranging from diabetes to chemotherapy. Regardless of what caused it, we treat all varieties of Peripheral Neuropathy including:

  • Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)

Initial Consultation Required

An initial consultation is required to find out if you are a candidate for our Peripheral Neuropathy program. If you are determined to be a candidate, we can perform your first procedure the same day.


Quick & Painless

Our Peripheral Neuropathy treatment programs are quick and painless. You are typically in and out of the clinic within 30 minutes.

Treatment Course

The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover will vary from person to person. This can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.

The Process

Our Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Program is repeated 2-4 times per week until maximum improvement is achieved. At that time, a maintenance regimen is usually prescribed to prevent regression. Maintenance may be as few as 1-2 times per month.

Absence Of Symptoms

Our Peripheral Neuropathy programs can and often results in a complete absence of symptoms, even in severe cases that have been present for years.


A Consultation

And Get Back To Living Life At It's Fullest

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    701 49th St N.

    St. Petersburg, FL 33710

    © 2024 Achieve Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine